European dance events
at Sidmouth Folk Week
1 – 8 August 2008Sunday 3 August 7.30 pm Blackmore Gardens Marquee £8 (£4)
Fest Noz: French & Breton dancing with Poisson Rouge
Monday 4 August 7.30 pm
All Saints Hall, All Saints Road £8 (£4)
East Meets West: European dances with Goliards
(right) and MC/dance leader Martin Hodge.
Hosted by Roots and Shoots Live!
Tuesday 5 August 6.30 pm Dance Workshop. 7.30 pm Bal
All Saints Hall, All Saints Road £8 (£4)
French/Breton Dance with Poisson Rouge + Chobote and dance leader Carrie Atkinson. MC Martin Henning.
Hosted by Roots and Shoots Live! and d'Accord

Thursday 7 August
3.00 pm Jewish Dance Workshop.
4.00 pm Ceilidh
St Francis Hall, Woolbrook £8 (£4)
Jewish and other dances from around Europe with Spinach For Norman (above). MCs/dance leaders: Pam Hayes and Martin Hodge.
Hosted by Roots and Shoots Live!
Goliards are a troupe of first class folk musicians and singers taking their material from many different traditions including those of England, France, Spain, Scandinavia and Eastern Europe. Well experienced in performing and communicating their art not only in England but at festivals and gatherings all over Europe.
Spinach for Norman are a popular Devon-based folk dance band playing violins, guitar and bass guitar. Their exhilarating music comes from Britain, the Jewish traditions and further afield. Very much in demand for numerous events including festivals, weddings, parties and barmitzvahs.
Poisson Rouge are the highly accomplished house band for d'Accord, playing exciting music for dances from central France and Brittany. Their wide range of instruments include accordion, melodeon, guitar, bass guitar, bombard and bagpipes. Chabotee too play fine music at d'Accord events.
Carrie Atkinson, Pam Hayes & Martin Hodge have a passion for a variety of European dances and specialise in helping people get the steps and figures right as well as having fun.
d'Accord: Whether experienced or beginner, if it‘s the sounds of France and Brittany or the traditional dancing you‘re looking for, d'Accord meets every 3rd Friday of the month at Ide Village Hall near Exeter for fest-noz and central French dancing with superb live music every time.
rootsandshoots live! puts on folk/roots music events featuring top (mainly local) artists in Exeter and Devon including events listed above at Sidmouth.
For complete festival programme & to buy tickets: Office: 01395 578627